Jigme Rinpoche explains in detail the meaning of Bodhicitta, the enlightened mind, and the way Bodhisattvas are acting. This very inspiring course is again motivating us to apply the correct understanding in our daily life by improving our mindfulness.
Lama Jigme Rinpoche is the European representative of Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa and has been living in France for more than 30 years. Together with the highest Lamas of the Karma-Kagyu lineage he received his education in Rumtek under the direct guidance of His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa
It is Jigme Rinpoche’s main concern to grant us a profound education about the foundations of the Dharma. Hence Rinpoche combines teachings about meditation and philosophy in a unique way. With this series of teachings Rinpoche supports us by showing us how to understand the Dharma in a correct way, thus enabling us to practice successfully.
Sprachen/LanguagesEnglish, Deutsch
Gesamtzeit/ Total time6 h, 37 min
typeAudio CD, MP3 Download