Acharya Tenzing Wangpo continues the series of studies about the heart of Buddhist practice as presented by the great master Gampopa in the ‘Precious Jewel of Liberation’. After we have gone through the practices in the applied mind of awakening, the paramitas or liberating qualities, this time we continue our study with the 19th chapter on the ten Bodhisattva Bhumis.
Participation in this course is open to all, regardless of previous participation. It is helpful to be familiar with the first chapters of the above-mentioned work, but not a necessary prerequisite. In any case, the teachings of Acharya Tenzing Wangpo are very inspiring, as he not only has extensive knowledge, but also teaches directly from the heart and thus allows us to experience the orientation of Bodhicitta directly.
The course will take place online and those who register will receive the access link in good time beforehand.
Acharya Tenzing Wangpo studied Buddhist philosophy and literature at the Diwakar Academy in Kalimpong (India) until he graduated as an Acharya (scholar). As such, he now teaches at the academy himself as well as in Buddhist centers in Europe and the USA.
Course times: SA, November 23, 10.00h – 11.30h and 15.00h – 16.30h, SO, November 24, 10.00h – approx. 11.30h
Organization fee for the entire online course: € 40, reduced: € 32 (The reduction applies to supporting members of Bodhi Path Renchen-Ulm, students, retired and unemployed)
Course language: English with German translation
Please note: booking the course is only possible until November 23, 08:30h.
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