[:de]Newsletter vom 16.06.2017[:en]Newsletter, June 16, 2017[:] - Bodhi Path Renchen Ulm

Dear friends,

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  1. Download Programm, 2017 Juni-DezemberAktuelles Programm von Juni-Dezember, beginnend mit Lama Wallis Kurs nächste Woche
  2. Bodhi Path Retreat Ende September/Anfang Oktober, offen für alle
  3. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche kommt!
  4. Guru Yoga Retreat mit Jigme Rinpoche im Sharminub Institut in Kathmandu
  5. Shamar Rinpoche Statue


Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,


wir möchten gern wichtige Neuigkeiten mit euch teilen!


  1. Zunächst findet ihr im Anhang unser aktuelles Programm, das wieder einige Highlights bietet, angefangen mit dem Kurs von Lama Walli und Chris, der nächste Woche beginnt.


  1. Neben den anderen Kursen findet Ende September zum ersten Mal ein Bodhi Path Retreat statt, das gemäß Jigme Rinpoches Empfehlungen von Lama Jungne geleitet wird und offen ist für alle.


  1. Außerdem möchten wir jetzt schon auf den Mitte November stattfindenden Kurs mit Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche hinweisen, der sicher ein besonderes Highlight darstellt!


  1. Und dann gibt es noch einen ganz besonderen Hinweis: Jigme Rinpoche leitet vom 3.-10. Dezember ein Guru Yoga Retreat auf Shamar Rinpoche im Sharminub Institut in Kathmandu, an dem alle Interessierten teilnehmen können. Es ist auch möglich, nur teilweise dabei zu sein und vielleicht anschließend die Reise zum Kagyü Mönlam in Bodh Gaya fortzusetzen, das vom 14.-20. Dezember stattfindet. Wenn ihr daran interessiert seid, wendet euch bitte an Ainhoa Camara: afc@tendirections.de. Sie ist zuständig für die Buchung der Unterkunft und der individuellen Reisewünsche.


  1. Diejenigen von euch, die beim Pfingstkurs waren, haben schon die wunderschöne Statue von Shamar Rinpoche gesehen, die auf so besondere Weise Rinpoches Präsenz darstellt. Sie wurde von der Künstlerin Bénédicte Henicz in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Jigme Rinpoche gestaltet. Gemäß Rinpoches Empfehlung haben wir eine solche Statue für unseren Schreinraum bestellt, die allerdings doppelt so groß sein wird. Sie ist aus dicker Bronze hergestellt – in bester Qualität. Das hat natürlich seinen Preis und so wird die Statue ca. €15.000 kosten….! Wenn ihr euch an dieser wunderbaren Aktion beteiligen möchtet, seid ihr sehr herzlich dazu eingeladen. Spenden könnt ihr auf unser folgendes Konto mit dem Hinweis: ‚Spende für die Shamar Rinpoche Statue‘ überweisen. (IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 7901 8966 00).


Übrigens kann die Statue in den Größen 30cm, 50cm und 100cm bestellt werden. Bei Interesse wendet euch bitte an: Robert Ducassou, rducassou@gmail.com.


Wir wünschen euch einen wunderbaren Sommer und freuen uns auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen,

Euer Bodhi Path Team

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For your calendar, you should also look at the following courses, of which we already know the dates. There will be more courses listed later.
And there is some hope that Jigme Rinpoche will be able to give his course, which was planned for February 17 – 19. We will know more about this in the beginning of January and will then communicate it to you right away. In any case, we are kindly asking everybody for further wishes for Rinpoche’s health and his long life.

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Those of you who have already eaten here, certainly enjoyed the delicious vegetarian food, fondly prepared by our different cooks/chefs. A very important tool while cooking for many persons is the electric steamer – the heart of our kitchen so to speak. It is always working and takes care of cooking vegetable in big amounts and many more delicacies. After more than 20 years of intense use it’s job is done and the many repairing attempts couldn’t change anything. Our dear electric steamer ‘died’ and doesn’t steam any longer.

For being able to still preparing healthy and delicous food in our kitchen and for preventing our chefs who are often doing this voluntarily from being too desperate but still cook with joy and enthusiasm, we are kindly asking you for a donation. A new machine costs between six and seven thousand Euro! It would be great to installing such a tool soon again, because it is such a big help for the cooking team. We would be very grateful for your support!

Account for donations:
Bodhi Path Zentrum e.V., IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 7901 8966 00
BIC: GENODEM 1 GLS, Purpose: Donation for a new electrical steamer

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Last but not least we would like to thank all those of you deeply who supported us this year – by your active help, by your financial support and most of all by your willingness to be inspired by the Dharma, to attend the courses and to open yourself and your life to a positive influence! Thank you so much for your support on the path an in the center! This is great.

With best wishes for wonderful holidays and an auspicious turn of the year,
wholeheartedly the Bodhi Path Team


Dear friends,

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we would like to share some important news with you:

  1. First of all, you will find the updated program attached, which offers quite some highlights, starting with the course of Lama Walli and Chris next week.


  1. In addition to the other courses there will be the first Bodhi Path Retreat taking place end of September, which will be guided by Lama Jungne according to the recommendation of Jigme Rinpoche. It is open to everybody.


  1. Also, we would already like to inform you about the course with Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, which will take place middle of November – certainly a special highlight!


  1. Another special announcement: Jigme Rinpoche will guide a Guru Yoga Retreat to Shamar Rinpoche in the Sharminub Institute in Kathmandu in December, 3-10, open for everybody. It is also possible to take place for only some days and eventually continue the journey to Bodh Gaya, attending the Kagyu Monlam, which will take place December, 14-20. If you are interested, please contact Ainhoa Camara: afc@tendirections.de. She is in charge of booking the accommodation and the individual journeys.


  1. Those of you who attended the course with Jigme Rinpoche beginning of June, have already seen the beautiful statue of Shamar Rinpoche, which is demonstrating Rinpoche’s presence in such a special way. It was created by the artist Bénédicte Henicz who worked closely together with Jigme Rinpoche. According to Rinpoche‘s recommendation we have ordered such a statue for our shrine room, which will be double as big, means 1m high. It is made out of thick bronze – in the best quality. This also means, it has a special price, such as about €15.000….! If you would like to participate in this wonderful action, you are most welcome to do so. Donations can be sent to our following account, mentioning ‚Donation for the Shamar Rinpoche Statue‘. (IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 7901 8966 00).


By the way: it is possible to order this statue in the sizes of 30cm, 50cm and 100cm. If you are interested, please contact Robert Ducassou, rducassou@gmail.com.


Wishing you a lovely summer and looking forward to seeing you soon again,

Your Bodhi Path Team

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For your calendar, you should also look at the following courses, of which we already know the dates. There will be more courses listed later.
And there is some hope that Jigme Rinpoche will be able to give his course, which was planned for February 17 – 19. We will know more about this in the beginning of January and will then communicate it to you right away. In any case, we are kindly asking everybody for further wishes for Rinpoche’s health and his long life.

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Those of you who have already eaten here, certainly enjoyed the delicious vegetarian food, fondly prepared by our different cooks/chefs. A very important tool while cooking for many persons is the electric steamer – the heart of our kitchen so to speak. It is always working and takes care of cooking vegetable in big amounts and many more delicacies. After more than 20 years of intense use it’s job is done and the many repairing attempts couldn’t change anything. Our dear electric steamer ‘died’ and doesn’t steam any longer.

For being able to still preparing healthy and delicous food in our kitchen and for preventing our chefs who are often doing this voluntarily from being too desperate but still cook with joy and enthusiasm, we are kindly asking you for a donation. A new machine costs between six and seven thousand Euro! It would be great to installing such a tool soon again, because it is such a big help for the cooking team. We would be very grateful for your support!

Account for donations:
Bodhi Path Zentrum e.V., IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 7901 8966 00
BIC: GENODEM 1 GLS, Purpose: Donation for a new electrical steamer

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Last but not least we would like to thank all those of you deeply who supported us this year – by your active help, by your financial support and most of all by your willingness to be inspired by the Dharma, to attend the courses and to open yourself and your life to a positive influence! Thank you so much for your support on the path an in the center! This is great.

With best wishes for wonderful holidays and an auspicious turn of the year,
wholeheartedly the Bodhi Path Team

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