Dr. Tina Draszczyk ist Tibetologin, Dolmetscherin und Achtsamkeitslehrerin und praktiziert seit über 30 Jahren in der Karma Kagyü-Tradition. Lehrtätigkeit im Karma Kagyü-Zentrum Wien, vertiefende buddhistische Studien sowie Übersetzungstätigkeit im K.I.B.I. (Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) in Neu-Delhi, Indien. Abschluss als Acharya.
Kurszeiten: Sa, 09.30-12, 15-17.30, 19.30-21, So, 09.30-12.30
Kostenbeitrag für den ges. Kurs: € 70 (erm. € 55)[:en]This course is about the red thread of our buddhist practise. We will give attention to some sources about the subject „Buddha-Nature“, which will include Indian as well as Tibetan texts, to some of which there are also explanations from Shamar Rinpoche. What is this all about? In which context and with which intention was this taught? And above all: what does it mean for my own spiritual practise? In which way are the teachings about the Buddha-Nature connected to the Mah?y?na-Mind trainings (Lojong), the refuge and the preliminaries, the meditation methods of calm abiding and deep insight (Shine / Lhagthong), to mindfulness, impermanence, Mah?mudr? and the different ways to meditate on Buddha aspects? How does all this refer to the buddhist teachings about reality and the mind, the philosophical and psychological levels of Buddhism?
This weekend we will go on a journey through the basic principle of buddhist practise. We will meditate together, explore the above mentioned and other questions and have an exchange. It is the aim of this course to integrate our understanding and our meditation practise as well as to deepen our confidence and strengthen our certainty on our own spiritual path.
Dr. Tina Draszczyk is a Tibetologist, interpreter and teacher for mindfulness. She has been practising for more than 30 years in the Karma Kagyu tradition. She teaches in the Kagyu center in Vienna and in other centers. Years ago already she completed a profound buddhist studiy program in the K.I.B.I. (Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) in New-Delhi, India, with the degree of an Acharya.
Schedule: Sa, 9.30-12am, 3-5.30pm, 7.30-9pm, Su, 9.30am-12.30pm
Fee for the entire course: € 70 (red. € 55)[:]