Trinlay Rinpoche wurde vom 16. Gyalwa Karmapa als Wiedergeburt eines wichtigen buddhistischen Lehrers erkannt. Er hat ein traditionelles Training für Tulkus durchlaufen und an westlichen Universitäten studiert. Er gilt als die erste westliche Wiedergeburt eines Lamas der Karma Kagyu Schule und unterrichtet in Asien, Europa und Amerika.
Kurszeiten: Fr 20 Uhr, Sa 10-12 Uhr, 15-17 Uhr, So 10-12 Uhr mit anschließendem Retreat bis Dienstagabend.
Kostenbeitrag für den gesamten Kurs: € 125 (ermäßigt € 100), nur für den Wochenendkurs: € 75 (€ 60)
Kurssprache: Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung[:en]This first course will focus on introducing Mahamudra and learning its foundational practices, better known as the preliminaries. Refuge, Bodhicitta and Karma as well as the important notion of devotion will be covered. Rinpoche will introduce the importance of recognizing the true nature of mind and he will give all the necessary transmissions for the personal practice of the preliminaries. It will be important for participants to have received this first course to be able to join the following levels of Mahamudra teachings.
Trinlay Rinpoche will teach during the weekend and will then give instructions for the following 2 1/2 days of retreat, which he will guide by answering to upcoming questions.
Trinlay Rinpoche was recognized as the reincarnation of an important buddhist teacher by H.H. the 16. Gyalwa Karmapa. He completed a traditional training for Tulkus and studied also at Western universities. He is considered to be the first reincarnation of a Lama of the Karma Kagyu school in the West. Rinpoche travels a lot for providing his teachings in Asia, Europe and America.
Schedule: Fr 8pm, Sa 10-12 am, 3-5pm, Su 10-12am with an additional retreat until Tuesday evening.
Fee for the entire course incl. the retreat: € 125 (reduced € 100), just for the weekend course: € 75 (€ 60)
Language: English with German translation[:]
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