In December, 2009, in Bodh Gaya, Shamar Rinpoche gave a teaching on the Noble King of Prayers of Excellent Conduct, also known as the Samantabhadra Wishing Prayer. Buddha Shakyamuni gave the Samantabhadra Wishing Prayer to the great Bodhisattva Samantabhadra as a role model to emulate. The teaching by Shamar Rinpoche was transcribed by Shanti Path Publications of Kathmandu, Nepal, in 2011. In this edition, the Tibetan text, as well as an English-language version of the prayer itself, by Pamela Gayle White under the guidance of Shamar Rinpoche, is included in the book.
Editions Rabsel
Publication date: 15/05/2022
Pages: 132
ISBN-13: 9782360170395