House and Garden Day in December - Bodhi Path Renchen Ulm
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House and Garden Day in December

02/12/2023 10:00 - 16:00


10:00 - 16:00


Bodhi Path Zentrum Renchen-Ulm
Kaierstr. 18
Renchen-Ulm, 77871 Germany
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In December, the garden is dormant, but still leaves can be raked or the like and at the same time various activities are scheduled in the house. Everyone is welcome to help in the garden or even in the house!

According to the recommendation of Jigme Rinpoche we start with the Chenrezig practice , which we do until the mantra phase. During the day and our activities we keep up the mantraphase (as best we can) and at about 3:30 pm we finish the Chenrezig practice together again.

Welcome to everyone who wants to join us – for the practice, the activities and last but not least for the cozy lunch with sharing.

Your prior registration will help us to plan, especially for the meal. (there will be a vegetarian menu at cost price of € 5) Thank you.

Times: We will start at 10 am with Chenresig practice (see above). From 12:30pm – 1:30pm/14:00pm we will have a leisurely lunch break, then work some more and finish the Chenresig practice at 4pm at the latest. Afterwards, those who are interested sit together and we share our thoughts and ideas for organizing the center.

The next House and Garden Day dates will follow.


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